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Marie Látalová

Photo Credits Daniela Smržová

When and how did you start your modeling career?

I started traveling around the world about 3 years ago. I wouldn’t call modeling like a career, but a hobby. During this period of time, I traveled USA, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Greece, Japan, Monaco, and Mexico.

Modeling and fashion have always been my areas of interest. For this reason, I was interested in photoshoots in every country I went to. I met photographers in almost all the countries I visited.

In Monaco I had photo shootings with the photographer Lorenzo Dilucchıo, in Switzerland with Yuliya Savina, in the USA with Jason Sobers and others, in Prague with Danıela Smrzova, in Austria Ludwig Winkler, in Mexico Geraldo Arteaga Tellez, Ary Maat and very famous photographer from Germany ‘’The Styleograph” Chrıstıan Vıerıg.

Photo Credits Kononenko Olya

The countries I visited taught me a lot, and I learned a lot about fashion, styling and modeling, and the cultural experience of each of the countries.

I am currently working with FashionModels in Prague. In May 2020 we did a campaign for watch brand Mıllner co.

What are your hobbies and passions?

I love to dance very much, I can say dancing is my passion. I like music, I used to play violin for 9 years when I was younger. I am also a social person, I like to go to concerts or any other events with friends. I love Jennifer Lopez.

The biggest passion of mine is definitely traveling and fashion. Can’t also wait for amazing fashion event Fashionweek 2021 at Karlovy Vary in August and I hope I will be visiting more countries and might perform a dress next year in Cannes festival.

We have seen you at Mexico, very different country, how was it?

Well, the country has a lot to offer, but also is very dangerous and crazy as you can see in the movies. The food and nature is amazing, you can try best tacos with tequila or mezcal forexample or visit amazing blue lagoon in Cenotes - incredible place where we had photoshoots.

What is your near future plans?

I am working in health sector like x ray technician, which is my proffesion, so during this year I want to learn as much as I can, which means new skills on CT and MRI machines. At my free time I still want to look for possibilities and events connected with fashion and so on.

I would love to visit Bali and Thailand, is definitely my dreamed destination for vacation, I have also an offer from Singapore for imagemodel/hosstes. I know these countries have very nice nature, but this in late future.

Photo Credits:

Photographer Kononenko Olya

Make up Artist Anastasija Ščuková

Talent Marie Látalová


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