Styling, Set, Photography & Retouch
Carlos Cordero-Rosales @kurler Model Alison Noa @alison.uetz Agency Visage International Model Agency @visagemodelszurich Hair & Make-Up Daniela Isabella Valenzi @daniela.isabella
Assistance Arbnore Vokshi @_n_ora
Clothes Jessica Stuchly @jessy_stuchly Jewelry Hana Kim
After growing up in a very small and calm village in the middle of Switzerland, Carlos decided to move to the bigger city and study Psychology at the University of Zurich. Soon after this new chapter began, he found himself exploring his new home by walking around on the streets and photographing everything interesting that appeared in front of his lens. The constant search for beauty made him remember, how much he also enjoyed photographing people when he was working on a school project at high school, in which he tried to visualize the different facets of everyday stress with photography. Carlos took advantage of the fact that he started to make new friends at the university and found the courage to ask people close to him to be portrayed. Also, one of the good things about studying psychology is, that one usually gets to meet many potential female models, in case a person would like to start taking pictures of women. Soon after buying his first paper backdrop and softbox, Carlos began his journey of understanding what elements can and need to be taken into consideration when wanting to photograph people well. After shooting his first, more artistic portraits inside his own, tiny bedroom, he knew, that there was more to be done.

5 years later Carlos remains in a constant search for beauty but in a slightly different stage of his life. Working as a full-time fashion & beauty photographer for a wide variety of clients and sharing a beautiful studio in the middle of the city with very talented and successful filmmakers, he’s able to look back to many great events and developments that happened in a relatively short amount of time. Even though he’d like to carry on working as a fashion photographer, he’s increasingly being drawn to an even more artistic approach. He’s right now working on an artistic nude photography series, in which he’ll print photographs and manipulate the photographs afterwards, using a variety of different techniques like painting on top of the prints to hide different parts and ultimately create a unique piece of art.

It may be unclear how things will develop in general and how his path will be shaped over the next years. Nevertheless, it remains clear to him, that his constant strive for improvement will make sure that he keeps going forward, eventually, fulfilling his potential and doing what needs to be done to be happy as an artist: Enjoying the process.
